Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just a thought...

Next week, my dear cousin Dexter (a.k.a. Cousin " IT") will be
sashaying his booty to North Korea.
Yes minna-san, cousin "IT" will be in a communist land to do a fashion
spread where time stands still.
Having said that, I think North Korea is probably the world's most
bizarre country. There is no independent tourism! which translates
into: NO BACK PACKERS and you can only travel as a GROUP, or as a part of a delegation invited to the country by the Government. How about that? Rubbing elbows with Kim Jong IL is next to impossible.

According to Dexter, the DPRK Tourist Board told them that they are
not allowed to bring in their PH mobile phones. Now, thats crazy?!
What if they abduct and make cousin "IT" join Korean People's Army? It will be disastrous!

Goodbye to:

hubby Remus
72 pairs of shoes
skinny red jeans
and more

Until Dexter returns to Manila after a week in DPRK.
I am officially declaring myself to abstain from drinking Coke Zero.



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