Thursday, August 21, 2008

iSight my new Mac display

Remember what happened to my Mac a week ago? The display suddenly had this ugly bluish horizontal line and it scared the sh** out of me. So I immediately brought to iSight (Macintosh Premium Reseller) for SOS. They told me that it will take at least a week for the new display to arrive.

Last night they sent me a text message informing that my new display just arrived and ready for installation. Too bad I couldn't make it right away so I opted to show up today.

I arrived about 1130 am at the store and they immediately worked on my mac. About an hour later while I busied myself tinkering with other Macintosh products on display. Voila! it's finished. done and ready to use.

The guys at iSight did a very good job on my Mac and I really recommend you check them out.



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